We can help you with your robotics projects

The GR Lab team meets the needs of a wide range of customers, whatever their level of technical expertise in robotics and software integration.

Research professor

Our robots, supplied with an open source platform, enable you to test advanced functionalities, carry out automated environmental analyses to limit manual location, and program fundamental, robotic and business functions tailored to your needs. Whether you’re in a university, engineering school, public or private laboratory, we can help you with your experimentation and advanced research projects.

By working with GR Lab, you benefit from the expertise of Génération Robots, which has been equipping universities and research laboratories around the world since 2008.

ROS1 and ROS2

Installation of the ROS1 or ROS2 middleware, the packages associated with each sensor, and the robot's URDF.

Sensors and add-ons

Addition of sensors (IMU, robotic arm, cameras, Lidar, etc.) depending on the project.

Reduced costs

Integration of existing robots and components, reducing design costs.

Custom software development

Simulation environment, embedded development tools, mapping, localisation and autonomous navigation.

Robotics research sectors to which the GR Lab has contributed


Smart cities


State-of-the-art robotics


Engineer / Technician

You are looking for a robot with basic mechanical and software functionalities, so that you can concentrate fully on developing the business and application-specific aspects of your project.

The GR Lab offers you a ready-to-use robotics platform that will enable you to quickly test solutions and explore the possibilities offered by robotics in your field. You can adapt the robot to the specific needs of your project, carry out a series of tests and integrate specific functionalities.

The aim is to meet the requirements of your innovation centre and support you in implementing robotic solutions tailored to your challenges.

Sensors and add-ons

Addition of sensors (IMU, robotic arm, cameras, Lidar, etc.) depending on the project.

Custom software development

Simulation environment, embedded development tools, mapping, localisation and autonomous navigation, dedicated APIs.

ROS1 and ROS2

Installation of the ROS1 or ROS2 middleware, the packages associated with each sensor, and the robot's URDF.

Technical expertise

Experts in autonomous mobile robotics, we design numerous robots and integrate sensors, actuators, calculators, algorithms, data fusion, middleware, business and embedded software.

Sectors in which our engineering teams have worked




Civil engineering

Hostile areas

CEO / Head of division

You’re the head of innovation and you’re looking for a fully designed and developed prototype, with customised business software to meet the specific needs of your projects. The GR Lab offers you tailor-made robotics solutions to meet your innovation challenges.

We can help you design and develop robotics prototypes to stimulateinnovation, boost your company’s competitiveness and present an innovative image to your partners and customers.

With our solutions, you can be sure of having cutting-edge technology at your disposal to bring your R&D projects to a successful conclusion.

Custom robots

A prototype autonomous or semi-autonomous robot designed to meet your specific requirements.

Reduced costs

Integration of existing robots and components, reducing design costs. Use of proven open-source software bricks.

Développement d'un logiciel métier dédié

Plateforme web intuitive dédiée : prise en compte des besoins utilisateurs ; outils de déploiement et de maintenance ; gestion de flotte.

Support & Advice

Audit and specifications to define sensors, components, technologies, software architecture and budget. Consideration of the robot's acceptability.

Our robotics design office designs robots and develops business software for a wide range of sectors

Railway services





Let's talk about your project

Do you have an autonomous mobile robotics project and would like our team to help you?

Don’t hesitate to contact us using this form.

We’ll get back to you as soon as possible.